
작성일 : 13-10-24 11:42
2013년 11월 필리핀 공휴일 안내 입니다.
 글쓴이 : EG어학원
조회 : 16,677  

안녕하세요. EG 어학원입니다. 

11월 1일은 필리핀 가톨릭 '성인의 날' 로 휴일입니다.

연수 일정 및 생활에 참고 하세요. 감사합니다.

-필리핀 영어교육 EG Academy-

All Saints' Day in Philippines

All Saints' Day is a celebration of all Christian saints, particularly those who have no special feast days of their own, in many Roman Catholic, Anglican and Protestant churches. In many western churches it is annually held November 1 and in many eastern churches it is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. It is also known as All Hallows Tide, All-Hallomas, or All Hallows' Day.

Wheat is one of the symbols of All Saints' Day