
EG어학원 겨울캠프 - 김아빠유학원 팀
EG어학원 겨울캠프 - 행복한 교육이야기 팀
EG어학원 겨울 주니어캠프 안내
여름 주니어캠프 안내
EG겨울영어캠프 주중 특별 프로그램 공지
온라인 메일상담

총 게시물 279,501건, 최근 0 건
[여름] 명채연 첫번째 편지
글쓴이 : 엄마 날짜 : 07-26 (토) 20:05 조회 : 1238
울 채연이  잘 지내고 있지?
언니도 주말에  덕원예고 콩쿨에서  금상수상하고 우리딸들이 아빠 엄마을 기쁘게 하는구나 !  울 채연이도 혼자서  캠프생활도 잘 적응하고  지내고있으니...
대견스럽고  기특해 
벌써  일주일이 지났네  이제3주 남았구나 
언니도 8월6~9일  발레캠프 떠난다  나름 휴가를~  아빠랑 엄마는 단둘이  뭐하면서 지낼까  고민중이고  둘이 여행이나 갔다올까?  참으로 오랜만에  떠나볼까~~어때?  ㅋ 
밥도 잘 먹고  영어도 많이 배워오고  학습지 엘리트 숙제 잊지말고  준비잘해서  돌아와라  또 쓸께
사랑한다 채연아

명채연 2014-07-26 (토) 21:14
진짜?발레캠프가 있쩡?나 이제 건강해
엄마,아빠 여기로 와 언니 캠프 갈 동안... 어떤 언니의 아빠 와 가지고,고기 사줬쩡 그 언니랑 그 언니의 아빠랑 호텔 갔어. 나도!우리
 가족 다 모여서 놀고싶다.보고싶어요사랑해요.
댓글주소 답글쓰기
김재국 2021-11-06 (토) 00:41
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김병국 2021-11-06 (토) 00:43
https://seoulseu.com/ 출장안마
https://panna.co.kr/ 출장안마
https://mubeu.com/ 출장안마
https://mipeon.co.kr/ 출장안마
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송하일 2021-11-06 (토) 00:43
https://www.ulsan-anma.com/ 울산출장안마
https://angerol.com/ 부산출장안마
https://magentat.net/ 부산출장안마
https://hollin.kr/ 부산출장안마
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이천진 2021-11-06 (토) 00:47
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파라오카지… 2021-11-25 (목) 17:12
Is there a point of too much? Yes. I visit blogs that have over 50 entries of “Great post! Yay!” and by number three, I’m bored and I’m gone.
댓글주소 답글쓰기
더온카지노 2021-11-25 (목) 17:12
I’d like to add that the way you are responding and even opening the ideas up more in the comments section, keeps the thread going and may provide more ideas for a reader. Sometimes a post gets a few responses and just dies, frequently because everybody just wants to get their 2¢ in and they aren’t really taking in the whole conversation.”
Keeping comments alive and keeping the discussion interesting and making sure everyone’s comments are noticed is the blog owner’s responsibility. For example, at our blog, comments never get lost or go unread, and they always get noticed.
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김남주 2022-03-15 (화) 02:18
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퍼스트카지… 2022-06-30 (목) 16:34
Is there a point of too much? Yes. I visit blogs that have over 50 entries of “Great post! Yay!” and by number three, I’m bored and I’m gone.
I’d like to add that the way you are responding and even opening the ideas up more in the comments section, keeps the thread going and may provide more ideas for a reader. Sometimes a post gets a few responses and just dies, frequently because everybody just wants to get their 2¢ in and they aren’t really taking in the whole conversation.”
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샌즈카지노 2022-06-30 (목) 16:35
However, seeing as you are here, I would say you are already taking steps in the right direction. If we can help you any further, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
When you see comments that are alive, interesting, and readers discuss back and forth amongst themselves (along with the blogger), don’t you *want* to be involved?
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